
December 2024

Sales and Discounts

Sometimes I am asked if I have any coupons available at the moment.Well, yes I do!!At the moment you can save 20% off all Dog toys and puzzles, many of which are suitable for other species too! The coupon code is Woofmas24 and this sale ends at midnight on Christmas Eve.You can also get free shipping on Murphy's Mini sized pellet, 10kg bags with coupon code: 2F9Q3M7M until midnight on Christmas Day.Also keep an eye out for discounted prices being...

Christmas Cut-Off Dates & Holiday Closure

We'll be taking a short break during Christmas and New Year, though not going away anywhere. I will be sending orders until the afternoon of 23rd of December, before taking a break to spend time with family. Order processing will return to normal from 6th January.Please submit your orders in as soon as reasonable, to allow me enough time to make and send your order. No guarantees can be made about delivery prior to Christmas and some postage delays...

September 2024

Stubby Cooler Wraps – A New ‘Thank You’ Gift Option

We are celebrating 2 years of our birdy homewares promotion; where hundreds of brightly coloured, bird-themed drink coasters have made their way around Australia!To mix things up a bit, particularly for those who have collected the whole set of 6 coasters, we bring you the new 'Stubby Cooler Wraps'.This design features all 6 birds in the one gorgeous piece. Your wrapped beverage will stay cool and match with your bird drink coasters too. The strong velcro on the ends...

June 2024

The Pet Show Brisbane 2024

We're back at this years' Brisbane Pet Show. Come and join us in the 'Small Town' section on 22nd and 23rd June at Brisbane Convention Centre, South Bank for a great day out. The show is open 10am to 4pm on both days and tickets are on sale now! Don't forget to use code 46C96Q for 20% off entry. We'll be there with a huge range of our parrot products to see and buy in person.

December 2023

Order dispatch for Christmas 2023 and January 2024

I will be working hard right up until Christmas to get your pets' goodies sent, as well as some days between Christmas and New Year. It's a great time to redecorate your parrots' cages and provide your pets with new enrichment, so order anytime to have your items sent within a few days.Currently I plan to send some orders on:Every day from 18th to 22nd December27th December29th December2nd January4th January5th January8th January onwards (all normal business days)We are planning a...

October 2023

Christmas Bird Toys

The festive season is looming and a collection of Christmas-themed bird toys are already available in the online store. I've started handmaking some of my range in festive options, including the ever-popular Cracker Foot Toy and Hanging Firecracker Toy. Normal/mixed colour options of these toys are still available.Soon a range of other Christmas toys will be available, such as the Lollipop Foot Toy and Pinecone Christmas Wreath.

August 2023

Brisbane Exhibition Public Holiday

The 'Ekka' is back in Brisbane and this means the normal juggle of public holidays for the 2 council areas that affect our courier collections. This will mean some slight delays in parcel dispatch in the coming week (mostly 14th and 16th August).We are in Moreton Bay Council Region, on the north side of Brisbane. Our public holiday is Monday 14th August and we're actually going to take that day off for once. Our Australia Post office and depot are...

Boo Turns 14!

Boo is our sweet (and slightly derpy) cinnamon Green Cheek Conure. She's been brightening our day since her adoption in June 2012. Boo lives with Nibbles the Quaker after Scribble (our other Green Cheek Conure at the time) decided that Boo was 'a bit much' for her to handle ;)For 3 days only, you can benefit from 14% off all products in the online store (*excluding those already on sale) using code Boo14 in the shopping cart or checkout...

July 2023

Birdy Drink Coaster Gifts Ongoing Promotion

Who doesn't love a free gift?! Now you can collect the full set of 6 bird-themed drink coasters in eligible orders.October 2022 to January 2023 saw the start of our Birdy Homewares Promotion. Many people collected the 4 parrot drink coasters in their eligible orders and one lucky winner received the bird tea towel too!Now the coaster set has expanded to 6 designs, including the Magpie and Kookaburra. The promotion continues until further notice for all eligible...

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