Information & Tips

During many years of working as a vet nurse as well as caring for my own pets, I have gathered a lot of knowledge and would like to share it with you.

Please see the collection of information below and feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

There’s so much more that I’d like to share with you! Please check back regularly for updates. 

Nibbles is our unofficial mascot


Introducing Foraging

An overview on how to best introduce the concept of foraging to your pet. This is a general document that applies to all species/breeds.


Fruit & Vegetables List

There are a lot of safe vs toxic foods lists available for birds, but did you know that many of the non-toxic foods can still be very unhealthy for your pet if fed in the wrong amounts? This document shows a bit of a ‘food pyramid’ of which fruit/vegetables/other items should be fed the most and which should be saved for treats. It also includes details on some safe, Australian native trees that you can use for ‘wild foods’ and perches.

Parrot Foraging Overview

What is foraging? Find out more and why is it important for your parrot here.

Bottom’s Up Foraging Toy

A specific document, explaining how to introduce a specific bird foraging toy. The Bottom’s Up/3 Cup Foraging Toy is an ideal beginner toy for small parrots, like Cockatiels, Conures, Quakers and Caiques.

Birdy Bread Recipe

I wrote this recipe in 2014 after trying a few different things to make a healthy treat for my own birds. Feel free to use this and modify it to suit you.

Dogs and Cats

Cat & Dog Foraging Overview

More information about the importance of foraging for cats & dogs.

Buster Food Cube

An example of how to introduce a specific dog foraging toy. This one is about the Buster Food Cube Dog Toy, though you can get ideas for other toys from the examples in this document.

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